Aaah! AAAH!! There's only one freakin' week left until my birthday! Aaaah! Don't wanna grow up...been here [almost] 2 decades already and what have I done? Nothing. What have I learnt? Squat. Has there been any growth? Well, in the almost 2 decades, I
have gotten taller...but no, no real growth. :P :) What have I accomplished? Ummm...I think I may have missed the memo that said I was supposed accomplish something, anything... Hmm.
'20' just sounds like you should have some stuff figured out already...after all, you're not a teenager anymore. You should have some clue as to what you're doing....
I'm just over-stressing, I know. But damnit! It's my stress, so I can do with it what I want. ;)
I'm not ready to not be a teenager yet. Sounds too real and too scary.
*runs around in mad circles*